hello gents!
after a lengthy hiatus from the Special, today i finally replaced my dead starter with a spare i got on ebay (in may of 2008

). i was actually out in the garage for a different project... but, after searching extensively for a particular tool to no avail, i randomly turned my frustrations on the non-functional starter.
the new starter turns the engine over quickly and fires it up promptly. i am quite pleased, after dealing so long with the old starter that only got crappier over time. i have since read that a low-charge battery can actually damage a starter, so i plan on keeping my battery fully charged henceforth.
in other news, i finally got a new cell phone (after 4 years) and upgraded to the new iPhone 4S, which shoots HD video. so, without further adieu, here is the first video of the Special ive uploaded in HD!
http://youtu.be/D6JnKtIatsg(turn up the volume; sorry, its quiet)
1958 MOD. 43
STYLE 58-4439
BODY No. BK2451
TRIM 412
ACC. E (also BFG)